3 minLick, lick, lick! What’s the Deal with Paw Licking?Lick, lick, lick! Your dog is licking its paws and it’s driving both of you crazy. Guardians usually think its allergies. Offer your...
6 minCaring for Your Dog's CoatDog fur always seems to get everywhere — on your clothes, on the furniture, in your coffee, even little fur tumbleweeds that float across...
3 minWhat People Get Wrong about Dogs and BonesDogs and bones: it seems like a natural pairing. But in reality, some bones present health and safety hazards for your dog. Chewing is a...
4 minStop Your Puppy from Eating Poop:Most new owners are delighted by puppy antics, but a puppy that eats poop prompts anything but smiles. It could be any animal's faeces,...
4 minHow To Clean A Dogs EarsWe've put together this handy guide to tell you everything you need to know about cleaning your dog's ears at home. Many dog owners often...